Saturday, December 7 following Land
Equipment Auction!
Walter Reed Road
LaRue County,
1660 Case
combine with 1350 hrs, has 505 Cummins engine with 800 hrs.
1063 Case cornhead 6 roll w/polyheads
2 Unverferth trailers, HTA 25: HTA 30
1780 John Deere tractor 12 row planter w/replanters
7800 John Deere tractor 4-WD w/duals 2300 hrs, app.
4440 John Deere tractor, C/H/A, wusf dhigy, 3900 hrs. app.
4430 John Deere tractor, rops, quak shirt 7000 hrs. app.
2955 John Deere tractor C/H/A, 3900 hrs.
2850 Kubota tractor, 397hrs.
4300 John Deere tractor 4- WD, w/430 loader, 95 hrs.
855 John Deere tractor, w/72' belly mower, 970 hrs.
Killbros 590 grain cart
Unverferth 500 grain cart
1985 Ford 8000, 3208 cat engine, 10 speed, 10 wheel/live action, 18
FT Scott bed. W/Shurlock, roll tarp , app. 600 bushel bed.
(3) 200 BU gravity wagons, J D and Badger running gears.
1988 Ford F350 flat bed, 460 engine, w/5 speed, 4-WD
15' Woods bush hog mower
15' M & W bush hog mower
12' Bevco finish mower
30' Dovetail goose neck, dual wheel, tandem, like new.
580 D backhoe, app. 3600 hrs.
580K backhoe
1995 Ford F350 super cab dually, power stroke, 95,000 miles
1997 GMC Z71, 3 door short bed, app. 80,000 miles
12' JD wheel disc.
10,000 BU grain bin, w/DMC stir auger, fan, dryer
8,000 BU grain bin, W/DMC stir auger, fan, dryer
7,000 BU grain bin w/fan
61' , 8", 10 HP electric auger
31' 8", 5 HP eleactric auger
5 yd, Buffalo pull pan, like new
From Elizabethtown
take Highway 210 south approximately 7 miles. Turn left onto Walter
Reed Road. Proceed approximately 1/4 mile to property on right and left.
From Hodgenville, travel Highway 210 north approximately 3 miles. Turn
right onto Walter Reed Road. Proceed approximately 1/4 mile to property
on right and left. Signs posted.
Personal property: cash or good check day of sale. 6% KY sales tax due
when applicable. 10 % buyers premium. Possession: When auctioneer declares
the item sold. Resale certificate a must for dealers. Farm exemption
certificate a must for farmers. No exceptions!
J.E. Bramblett, CAI
(270) 769-1655 or 1-800-624-1782
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